
October 9, 2021

Sweet is the fruit of labour- the PureMart story!

Sahil and Rajani Verma have ticked one of their dreams as far as their entrepreneurial journey is concerned. I can’t keep calm and not write about […]
August 27, 2021

Edge 2021- Bridging the industry academia gap

Pandemic has impacted all sectors and hospitality has been the most affected. This in turn has hit the hospitality education. Though online classes are on and […]
July 12, 2021

Setting and exceeding limits in tough times

We are spending much of our time at home due to the lockdown and Work From Home which has become a way of life for many […]
June 7, 2021

Ten lessons to imbibe through tough times

We are bombarded with news and content from all quarters these days, rarely it is positive or optimistic. We must remember that we are going through […]
May 28, 2021

My Mother – My Jhansi Ki Rani

She is the one who named me after the ‘Jhansi Ki Rani’. When I think of my mother Mrs. Tulasi Kohli; I think of a very […]
April 28, 2021

Practicing digital detox – the need of the hour

It’s been over one year of living the new normal life; can it be called ‘New’ anymore? We are at the stage of ‘been there done […]
March 6, 2021

Choose To Challenge!

Is there a need to challenge any belief or a system? Challenge comes only when one doesn’t agree with or accept things been thrown at him […]
February 24, 2021

On Your Mark!

We all strive to make that ‘mark’ for ourselves but we have a limited time to do so. We are gifted with 24 hours each day […]
January 5, 2021

Script your success story

We are in 2021, a new page has opened for us to write our success stories or just jot down the experiences. The year gone by […]
December 3, 2020

A Few Good Men – Chef Vernon Coelho

From the minute we were born to the moment we take our last breath, there is that little time in between it all that we call life. Though […]