
May 20, 2022

A story of grit, perseverance and gratitude

Here is the story of Narendra, a boy from a remote village in Uttarakhand’s  Pithoragarh district. A small village that had no roads and no electricity. […]
April 10, 2022

Comfort Zone – A Dangerous Place to Live In

Go wherever you want to go and do whatever makes you happy but promise not to remain in your comfort zone as nothing happens there!  An […]
March 8, 2022

Gender Equality – A Top Priority

Last month I got an email from a reputed organisationasking me to send in my nomination for an award.This is something I have started to avoid […]
February 10, 2022

Persistence is the game changer!

For some people age is just a number, nothing stops them; they are ready to learn and expand their horizons at every opportunity. In fact they […]
January 20, 2022

New Year Gives Us A Blank Slate To Fill

We all enter into the New Year with brand new hopes and resolutions. I am sure it’s the same this year too for most of us. […]
December 13, 2021

2021 and the lessons it taught!

Like every year I get into introspection mode and it’s that time of the year now when 2021 is almost on its way to bid us […]
November 11, 2021

What will your professional legacy look like?

We see the world through the filter that we create for ourselves over the years. We are writing our legacy and living it every single day. […]
October 26, 2021

The Turtle Story – Rescue at Sea

My husband Capt. Rajesh Todiwan is a Master Mariner and he generally sails on parcel chemical tankers. I understand the risks of his job and the […]
October 9, 2021

Sweet is the fruit of labour- the PureMart story!

Sahil and Rajani Verma have ticked one of their dreams as far as their entrepreneurial journey is concerned. I can’t keep calm and not write about […]
August 27, 2021

Edge 2021- Bridging the industry academia gap

Pandemic has impacted all sectors and hospitality has been the most affected. This in turn has hit the hospitality education. Though online classes are on and […]