
May 5, 2018

The Power of Three!

I visited one of the top schools in Navi Mumbai for a career guidance session for their 12th standard students. After talking to them it came […]
April 30, 2018

Paradigm Shift – Pink Shoes

I received a message from a batch mate  and  I connected with it instantly. So this week the ‘Pink Shoes’ is being featured on the IWH […]
April 11, 2018

The Park Chennai – a blockbuster!

It has been a really long time since I posted anything on the blog. Finally got time to sit at my comp it’s been a little […]
March 23, 2018

India: Evolving Faces Of The Modern Indian Woman

India is a society in transition, and the societal roles and responsibilities are evolving between men and women. While traditional role-playing is still seen in many […]
March 12, 2018

Creating Positive Relationships

8th March, International Womens Day, I was late with my morning message on the group – it may have been due to the ‘carefree’ feeling I […]
March 6, 2018

Workplace challenges faced by women

I am invited to an event tomorrow, where working women are coming together on a platform to discuss and deliberate on the challenges that women face […]
March 6, 2018

International Womens Day

The website is up and is going through the ‘testing phase’’, All the ladies at Indian Women in Hospitality wanted it to be live on 8th […]
February 26, 2018

IWH from Blog to Website!

In order to succeed we must believe that we can and the preparation for tomorrow is doing your best today. I did have the belief and […]
February 26, 2018

IWH – Domain for Website

Right from the time the support group was created on Facebook, the response has been overwhelming! I never ever imagined it to be like this, We are […]
February 26, 2018

Indian Women In Hospitality

I am extremely happy today; in fact my happiness knows no bounds! I feel finally have created something which can really go far as the saying […]