
August 29, 2019

Current state of affairs in hospitality education

This article first appeared  in the hospitality journal, the Hospitality Biz, August 2019 edition. Reproducing the article here with due credits to the magazine. Hospitality management […]
August 29, 2019

Importance of Safety and Security in Hotels from Training Perspective

This article appeared first in the hospitality journal, the Hospitality Biz, June 2019 edition. Reproducing the article here with due credits to the magazine. Safety is […]
August 29, 2019

IWH interview in Hospitality Biz- Feb 2019

Indian Women in Hospitality(IWH) turned one on 7th February 2019, to mark the occasion; a well-reputed hospitality journal, the Hospitality Biz carried out the interview of […]
August 19, 2019

Free Spirited and Free At Sea

I was out of action for the last 10 days, due to an incident that needed attention and care. All’s well now but it has left […]
July 26, 2019

My interaction with the Indian Navy – INS Hamla

This was a visit planned for almost 2 years and finally it materialized. I was at INS Hamla for a guest lecture just the other day. […]
June 6, 2019

Hospitality industry – Challenges and issues from women’s perspective

Hospitality industry has changed a lot over the last half a century; not considering hotels before that as there were a few and the number of […]
May 24, 2019

Hotel services- Experience the product that you deliver

Every time I am back from a training assignment, I come back with fresh ideas. As we say training is a mindset, it’s the facilitation of […]
April 18, 2019

Eligibility for Hotel Management / Hospitality Studies

Contd – Blog 2 :  After the first blog where I shared basic information about the hospitality industry, in this one let’s explore the general eligibility […]
April 17, 2019

Hospitality Education – Info and facts

Blog 1: I was at the Taj Reunion recently, it was such a great opportunity to meet the stalwarts of the industry. Taj being the first […]
April 15, 2019

Tajness at the 4th Reunion

There is nothing like returning to a place that remains unchanged to find the ways in which you yourself have altered.  ~Nelson Mandela Reunions are not […]